We are very grateful to our supporters.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - aktivmao

Active Hungary Program

We received a grant of 4 million forints from the Active and Ecotourism Development Center Nonprofit Limited Liability Company within the framework of the Active Hungary Program for the purchase of an off-road vehicle! Thank you!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - magnetbank tamogatok

Thank you for your help

Our association is supported by Magnet Bank through the Helper Bank Card Program. Thank you very much!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - miniszterelnokseg

The Prime Minister's Office

The Prime Minister's Office of the Government of Hungary provides support to the Mountain Rescue Service within the framework of the Active Hungary Program and the National Cooperation Fund. Thank you!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok portum

Thanks for donation!

Portum Lines Cruising Ltd has supported the operation of our association with a significant financial contribution. Thank you very much!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - nea

Thank you for supporting us

The National Cooperation Fund provided a non-refundable grant of 377,600 HUF to us through the NEAN-KP-1-2024 "Support for Civil Organizations Based on Normative Supplementation After Donations 2024" program.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok CAT Phones

Thank you for the phones

Thank you for the Cat S75 rugged smartphones provided as support, which are capable of two-way satellite messaging. They are indispensable in the Börzsöny!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - locus600 hiking2

Thanks for the maps

Locus MAP is one of the best hiking navigation software, and we are grateful for their support with licenses.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok novofer

Thank you for the radios

Novofer Távközlési Zrt. supported our association with long-range industrial radios, enabling our mountain rescue teams to communicate with each other even in areas with no cell signal. Thank you very much!

Partners (2022.06.10.) -

Thank you for the customization of our clothing!

X-TRA MÉDIA digital and offset printing supports our association by customizing our service uniforms, for which we are very grateful!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogato strauszgumi

Thank you for the off-road tires!

We greatly appreciate that Strausz Tires donated high-quality off-road tires to us. We are sincerely grateful for the donation!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogato virtuoz nyomda uj

Thank you for the printing work!

We are very grateful to Virtuóz Printing for supporting our association by producing the numerous business cards, posters, stickers, and everything else we need! Thank you!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamoagto dr bag 1

Thank you for the paramedic bag!

We appreciate DRBAG.HU for the significant discounts they provided for the purchase of our paramedic bags!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok outdoorsk 1

Thank you for the alpine gear!

We are grateful to for their assistance and significant discounts, which allowed us to purchase most of our alpine equipment!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogato szokolya

Thanks for help

Our association in Szokolya, along with the local government, is doing its best to assist us in any way possible. Thank you for Szokolya's support!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok tengerszem

Köszönjük a kedvezményeket!

Az alpinista felszerelésünk egy részét a Tengerszem Túraboltból szereztük be, akik rendkívüli kedvezményekkel tették megfizethetővé az eszközöket. Köszönjük

Partners (2022.06.10.) - tamogatok wpml

Köszönjük a támogatást!

Hálásak vagyunk a WPML csapatának a segítségért és jelentős kedvezményekért, amelyeknek hála cikkeinket több nyelven is elérhetővé tudjuk tenni a honlapunkon.


we are working together

Partners (2022.06.10.) - katved

Disaster Management Dept.

Our association operates as a Category II volunteer fire brigade. We do not respond to fire emergencies, but we conduct rescue operations and technical rescues under the "technical rescue" category. We are grateful for the professional support from our career colleagues!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - nagymaros

Nagymaros Volunteer Fire Brigade

The Nagymaros Volunteer Firefighters are a fantastic team with whom we have collaborated on numerous rescue operations. Although their core activities are traditional firefighting and technical rescue, we can always count on them in the Börzsöny. We share the same alert system and communication setup.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - ipolymentok

Ipoly-Völgyi Különleges Mentők

Az egyesületünk II. kat. vonuló önkéntes tűzoltóságként működik. Tűzesetekhez nem vonulunk, de "műszaki mentő" kategóriában végezzük a személymentéseket és műszaki mentéseket. Hálásak vagyunk a hivatásos kollégák szakmai támogatásáért!

Partners (2022.06.10.) - dinpi tamogatok

Danube-Ipoly National Park

We are proud to have established an excellent collaboration with Danube-Ipoly National Park. We strive to assist with conservation efforts wherever we can.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - termeszetjarotamogatok


A és Turista Magazin-nak köszönhetően a weboldalunkon több a tartalom.

Partners (2022.06.10.) - mtsz

Hungarian Hiking Association

Mountain rescuers not only perform rescues but also work on prevention. We maintain close daily contact with the experts of the Hungarian Hiking Association to ensure the safety of hikers on the trails.