Supporting Membership
If you really want to be a good person, join our association as a supporting member. The annual membership fee you pay would mean a lot for us! We could pay our operational costs, buy equipment or enroll our members in trainings. We are volunteers, we don't get a penny for our work, we even pay membership fees ourselves and pay all expenses from our own pockets. But our pockets are not unlimited, and it would be a real help if you could come in.
Why become a supporting member?
Because this will make you super cool!
We'll invite you to our events, where you can try our tools and know us personally
We are sending you a nice Borzsony Mountains badget
If you allow us, we'll list your name on our page and everyone will see how cool are you
If we'll meet, we'll also tell you the stories which are not written 🙂
If we'll have to save you, you'll get extra chocholate durring the operation
all this for only
25 000 HUF / year
How to become a Supporting Member?
Please fill out the form below and send it to us. You'll have the option to pay the membership fee on the STRIPE imediatelly after you sent the message (the screen will show you a confirmation text, just click on STRIPE) OR you can wait until we record your Supporting Membership into our CRM system and we'ill send you an email with the bank trasnfer details.