Another ankle injury occurred at Remete Cave (2024.06.02.) - remete20240502 2

The Börzsöny Mountain Rescue Service was alerted Sunday afternoon shortly after four o'clock by the Disaster Management County Operations Directorate that a middle-aged woman had suffered an ankle injury. One of the mountain rescue units was nearby, conducting a field trip in the Szent Mihály area - one of the tasks of the on-duty mountain rescuers is to patrol tourist routes and designate rescue routes.

The three mountain rescuers rushed back to their off-road vehicle, took the necessary equipment, and set off running towards Remete Cave along the blue Ω trail. Meanwhile, upon the alert from the disaster management, two units of the Nagymaros Volunteer Fire Department set off, another mountain rescue unit from Szokolya, and one unit from the Vác Professional Fire Department, including colleagues who participated in last week's rescue at Devil's-peak.

Another ankle injury occurred at Remete Cave (2024.06.02.) - remete20240502 terkep

Twenty-five minutes later, the mountain rescuers arrived at the injured person and determined that, apart from the ankle injury, fortunately, there were no other injuries. The rescuers examined the injured person and immobilized the injured leg in a splint, while they began assembling the special mountain rescue stretcher.

The patient was transported with the Vác Professional Firefighters and the Nagymaros Volunteer Firefighters. The terrain was extremely difficult, and even the wheeled stretcher had to be carried by hand over rocks and boulders in many places. Halfway down, the National Ambulance Service's Vác ambulance unit joined, monitoring the patient's condition during transport.

Another ankle injury occurred at Remete Cave (2024.06.02.) - remete20240502 3

The rescue point was the usual location on Route 12 at the height of the Dömös crossing, where the injured person was transferred from the mountain rescue stretcher to the ambulance. The National Ambulance Service transported the woman to the hospital in Vác for further treatment.

This is already the third rescue for the Börzsöny Mountain Rescue Service in the vicinity of Remete Caves in about two months. At the end of March, also a middle-aged woman suffered an ankle fracture at Remete Caves, and just a week ago, a man with a fractured ankle had to be rescued from the nearby Devil's peak. The Börzsöny mountain rescuers have already rescued or treated 18 people with various injuries this year, provided medical assistance, or escorted them to safety.

Another ankle injury occurred at Remete Cave (2024.06.02.) - remete20240602 1
